"What's All the Fuss is About"
In 1992 Drs. L. Hanus and W.A. Devane in Israel “discovered/identified” a subset of the human nervous system called the “Endo-cannabinoid system” (ECS). The ECS utilizes human made compounds, endocannabinoids, that are nearly identical in molecular structure to the plant created compounds called “phyto-cannabinoids”. The hemp plant contains dozens of named and perhaps hundreds of yet to be isolated and named cannabinoids. Some of the most well known and researched among them are the non-psychoactive compounds CBD, CBG, CBN, and CBC.
Just as your favorite song is enhanced when played by an orchestra rather than in single notes on a ukulele, so is the experience of making CBD richer and more full-bodied with a variety and range of cannabinoids. This is referred to as the “choral” or “entourage” effect. We believe that any potential benefits to taking CBD are amplified and enhanced by the presence of other cannabinoids, including small, legal amounts of THC (< 0.3%). The THC molecules serve as adapters at the neuro-receptor level of the nervous and ECS system allowing the other phyto –cannabinoids access to our metabolic process.